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Assistant Village Idiot

I was surprized at the numbers you assigned, and would suggest a different framing. I would say that the lines between the stages were highly permeable, and folks move across lines frequently, even in the course of a day.

The free market already allows many people - perhaps most - to make some other choice besides esteem/materialism. People sacrifice income to live in a particular area, work with congenial people, spend time with families, etc. Most people can and do rise above their base category frequently.

I work with the mentally ill, many of whom would inhabit the 3% "survival" category. Yet many put a great deal of energy into belonging, and some into building esteem.

None of this disputes your basic point about global interconnectedness providing benefit for societies which would have few in categories 3 and 4. That makes intuitive sense to me.



Yes, at the micro level, people oscillate between multiple levels in a day. A very wealthy person, if in the middle of a meeting and very hungry, will find it difficult to concentrate on many other things until he gets food.

At the same time, many people limit the level of what they aspire to. SOme people merely want to spend as much time as possible with members of their own ethnic group, even if they have ample resources. Others just strive for materialism and impressing others with conspicuous consumption. Only a few aspire to achieve everything they have the potential to achieve.

So while everyone's floor may be survival, people definitely set their ceilings at different levels.

Sam Cannon

Just wondering if you have discovered Abe Maslow's "eupsychian economics" and accounting in his "Eupsychian Management." This is the economics that would evolve in Eupsychia, a place where *healthy* people live!

Psychology Bachelor

I agree with once a human has progressed to a level where his most fundamental needs are no longer a cause of daily concern

metin2 yang

At the same time, many people limit the level of what they aspire to. SOme people merely want to spend as much time as possible with members of their own ethnic group, even if they have ample resources. Others just strive for materialism and impressing others with conspicuous consumption. Only a few aspire to achieve everything they have the potential to achieve.


amazing article.

In my opinion, the people in the western world, are still centralized around materialism.

This article raises many questions, when does the materialism of a person reach to the level, that people start to think of others ?

does the western world promote ideas like thinking of others before yourself ?

I have my own blog which talks about these ideas: http://blife4u.com/

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